The secret of our success is very simple: we will not only professional knowledge on safety, technology, efficiency and sustainable development,
combined with the excellent variety of printing ink, but also provide a variety of services through the precise adjustment of the scheme, which can meet the demand of printing technology and ink chamber.
Our products range in different sectors in different categories
We will assist you in achieving high efficiency and security.
Daihei Ink(Fuzhou) Co., Ltd. has always regarded the quality of products as the lifeline of the enterprise
We take care of life, care for the environment as its own responsibility.
Whether it is a complex technical or business problems, we can solve for you.
We will be able to help you to improve the process by preparing high performance printing ink.
To ensure that customers buy at ease, used to be at ease, we fully implement the full service.
Telephone and network to provide technical support.
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No.2 Yangyu road, Tieling Industry 1st Area,Minhou,Fuzhou city,Fujian of China.
Phone: 86-591-38260128
If you want to get the latest and most complete ink quotation, or need us to provide technical support, please contact us: Tel: 86-591-38260128 Fax: 86-591-38260086